Friday, May 6, 2016

Team Captain America

I love Captain America!  I love the Avengers!  So when I heard the title of this movie, Captain America:  Civil War... well, I was a little worried.  I don't want the Avengers not getting along!  (I sound like a total mom, don't I!)

Even though I had the opportunity to see this movie in IMAX (which was amazing, by the way) I still entered the theater with trepidation.  Which side will the Avengers pick, will someone get hurt, will someone die?  So many questions....

From Marvel:

Marvel’s “Captain America: Civil War” finds Steve Rogers leading the newly formed team of Avengers in their continued efforts to safeguard humanity. But after another incident involving the Avengers results in collateral damage, political pressure mounts to install a system of accountability, headed by a governing body to oversee and direct the team. The new status quo fractures the Avengers, resulting in two camps—one led by Steve Rogers and his desire for the Avengers to remain free to defend humanity without government interference, and the other following Tony Stark’s surprising decision to support government oversight and accountability.  

What I loved about this movie was that while it had lots of amazing action-packed sequences, you also get to know the characters even better.  Then add in the humor and some new heroes and it is a winning combination!  The battle between the two hero teams was epic!  The action was intense, but also very clever!  Antman, by the way, is my favorite and he did not disappoint in this movie!  I actually applauded at one point! 

Instead of feeling like another sequel, this movie can stand on it's own.  It was very well done!  I definitely recommend it, and go see it soon so no one spoils it for you!  It opens nationwide today, May 6th. 

And for what it's worth... I'm totally Team Captain America!

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Sensitive Scents!

Let's start by saying I have a teenage son with stinky teenage boy feet and a stinky teenage boy room.  Then let's add in the new puppy we just got that we are house training... yeah, puppy piddle messes.  Now let's add in our love of all things fried, and you can imagine that we deal with odors around here.

In the past, I have loved to use scent but my daughter is very sensitive to smell.  She finds them overwhelming at times.  Now Renuzit has come out with Sensitive Scents!  Woo Hoo!  Sensitive Scents are designed to give you long-lasting freshness without overpowering your senses.  I can actually use these and my daughter doesn't complain!

I had the opportunity to try three different fragrances, Pure Water Blossom & Cucumber, so refreshing and light, Pure Ocean Breeze, a light and clean scent, and my absolute favorite, Pure White Pear and Lavender, this one is heavenly!  Excuse me for a minute, while I go spray some more in my home.... mmmm!
Doesn't this look great?!  Smells great too!

There are different ways you can experience Renuzit Sensitive Scents: Adjustable Cones (I keep these in the bathrooms and closets), Universal Scented Oils (just plug this puppy in and let the scent begin!  I use this in my kitchen) and the Trigger Spray (I keep this on hand to spray in each room).  I love them all!

They are available in stores now!  Want to try one?  Well three of you lucky readers can!  Just enter on the form below and three of you can each win a coupon for a free Renuzit Sensitive Scents!  Free is Good!

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a teenage boy room to refresh!

Disclosure:  I was offered this product in exchange for a review.  The opinions are all mine and free of charge!

Friday, January 29, 2016

The Finest Hours

In my younger days, I wanted to be an oceanographer.  Then I discovered the sad fact, that I'm scared of fish (Yeah, I know that's weird) and I get crazy seasick on the ocean!  So oceanographer was not a good career choice.  But I still have a fascination with the ocean.  So, I wash pretty excited to see Finest Hours!

What is it about, you ask?

A heroic action-thriller, “The Finest Hours” is the remarkable true story of the most daring rescue mission in the history of the Coast Guard. Presented in Digital 3D, Real D 3D and IMAX® 3D, the film will transport audiences to the heart of the action, creating a fully-immersive cinematic experience on an epic scale. On February 18, 1952, a massive nor’easter struck New England, pummeling towns along the Eastern seaboard and wreaking havoc on the ships caught in its deadly path, including the SS Pendleton, a T-2 oil tanker bound for Boston, which was literally ripped in half, trapping more than 30 sailors inside its rapidly-sinking stern. As the senior officer on board, first assistant engineer Ray Sybert (Casey Affleck) soon realizes it is up to him to take charge of the frightened crew and inspire the men to set aside their differences and work together to ride out one of the worst storms to ever hit the East Coast. Meanwhile, as word of the disaster reaches the U.S. Coast Guard station in Chatham, Massachusetts, Warrant Officer Daniel Cluff (Eric Bana) orders a daring operation to rescue the stranded men. Despite overwhelming odds, four men, led by Coast Guard Captain Bernie Webber (Chris Pine), set out in a wooden lifeboat with an ill-equipped engine and little, if any, means of navigation, facing frigid temperatures, 60-foot high waves and hurricane-force winds.

So did I like it, you ask?  Oh Yeah!  It was an amazing movie!  I was literally on the edge of my seat the whole time!  Not only did  feel like I was out at sea, battling the waves and the storm, but I also went on an emotional voyage along with the characters in the story.  Chris Pine did an amazing job portraying Bernie Webber, a shy, rule-following Coast Guard Captain.  Yet, he went out to try and rescue the crew of the Pendleton, knowing there was a high probability he and his crew wouldn't make it back.

To give you an idea of how immersed in the movie I became... I left the theater freezing, and seasick!  My daughter, who saw the movie with me, thought that was hilarious!  Seeing it in 3D, the snow was flying past me and the waves were crashing, and I felt like I was there!

Disney does a great job with their movies, and I feel like this is one not to be missed!  Finest Hours opens January 29th.  Go see it, but bring a jacket!

Disclosure:  I was given the opportunity to see this movie for the purpose of a review.  The opinions are all my own and free of charge!

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Norm of the North

Tis the season for great family movies!  Let me tell you about Norm of the North!

A polar bear of many words, Norm’s greatest gripe is simple: there is no room for tourists in the Arctic.  But when a maniacal developer threatens to build luxury condos in his own backyard, Norm does what all normal polar bears would do…he heads to New York City to stop it.  With a cast of ragtag lemmings at his side, Norm takes on the big apple, big business and a big identity crisis to save the day. www.NormOfTheNorth.Movie

Sounds fun, doesn't it!  I'm excited to see it with my family!  I'm also really excited to offer you, my readers a chance to win a family four pack of tickets to see it!  If you're located locally (greater Phoenix area) I have the opportunity to give away 4, count 'em 4, family 4 packs of tickets to a movie screening on Saturday, January 9th at Harkins Tempe Marketplace!  I know, right!!

Just enter on the rafflecopter form below, but do it quickly!  This contest is over January 4th, 2016.

I'll see you there!

Disclosure:  I was provided the opportunity to give away these tickets.  The opinions are all my own and free of charge!

Friday, December 18, 2015

Star Wars - The Force Awakens

I love Star Wars!  I can even tolerate Jar Jar Binks.  So when I was offered the opportunity to see Star Wars The Force Awakens, well I was all kinds of excited!

There has been so much hype and all kinds of products bearing Star Wars logos  that I was a bit dubious it would live up to all the press. Well, it did.... in a BIG way!

Oh..... My..... Gosh!!  What a movie!

Do you remember the first time you saw the original Star Wars?  The excitement, the wonder, the sense of discovering something entirely new?  That's exactly what this movie did for me all over again!  The minute the movie started with the familiar Star Wars logo and that amazing music by John Williams, I was swept away!  It's a brand new movie, but it manages to evoke all those emotions we experienced with the first Star Wars movie.

I usually do a quick synopsis of a movie when I review it, but not this one.  I don't want anything to spoil it for you.  There are amazing revelations, we get to see our old friends again, and make new ones! The battles are epic, the light sabers are completely cool, the villains are... well, pretty villainess. 

I was on the edge of my seat during the battles!  I laughed, I gasped out loud at times, I even shed a few tears.  I felt like I'd been on an adventure when the movie was over.  I almost didn't want to leave the theater... I didn't want the experience to end.

It is a long movie, over two hours, but the time passed so quickly.  I really was swept away in all the magic that is Star Wars!  I'm going back tomorrow and taking my family with me!  I'm excited for them to see it, and I'm really excited to see it again! 

 May the Force Be With You!

Disclosure:  I was given the opportunity to see this movie for the purpose of a review.  The opinions are all my own and free of charge!

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Shadow Wolf

Shadow Wolf... right away the title of this book draws me in!  It's capturing your attention too, isn't it?

So what is this book about?

From the book cover:

Elite tracker Kino Cosen is hunting for the drug lord who murdered his father. After a decade of searching, he's finally got the Viper in his sight—until a woman gets in the way. Now Kino has a new lead. Aid worker Lea Atlaha has seen the Viper face-to-face…and lived. 

But now Lea's a target. And while Kino thinks he's protecting her because she can help him get justice for his father, he soon realizes that she's not just another witness. As the Viper moves in for the kill, Kino has to choose between his need for vengeance, the traditions of his tribe and the woman he has grown to love.

Sounds good, doesn't it?  Well, I agree!  This book does not disappoint.  I'm an avid reader of mysteries and suspense and this book by author Jenna Kernan held my attention the whole time.  I loved reading a book set in my own backyard (southern Arizona) and loved learning about the Shadow Wolves and the Apache Tribe.  The suspense kept me turning the pages and I liked the interaction between Lea and Kino.

There is a subplot about a younger sister that Kino and his brothers thought was dead, but recently discovered she was alive.  I'm excited to read the rest of the series to find out where this part of the story goes. 

A big thumbs up to Jenna Kernan for a great romantic suspense novel!  I'm really excited to read the next novel, Hunter Moon. 

Disclosure:  I received this book for the purpose of a review.  The opinions are all mine and free of charge. Ü

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

The Good Dinosaur

If you know me at all, you know I'm a fan of all things Disney!  Disney seems to sprinkle that old Disney magic on everything they touch.  So, when my son and I had the opportunity to see The Good Dinosaur I was expecting something... well... magical.  I was not disappointed!

So what is the movie about?

From Disney:

"The Good Dinosaur" asks the question: What if the asteroid that forever changed life on Earth missed the planet completely and giant dinosaurs never became extinct?  Pixar Animation Studios takes you on an epic journey into the world of dinosaurs where an Apatosaurus named Arlo (voice of Raymond Ochoa) makes an unlikely human friend. While traveling through a harsh and mysterious landscape, Arlo learns the power of confronting his fears and discovers what he is truly capable of.

From the opening scene I was blown away.  Even something as stark as some meteors floating in space was done amazingly.  It felt real.  This movie is visually stunning!  The landscapes looked so realistic, and each one looked like a masterpiece.  Even without the story line, I was mesmerized by the scenery.

Speaking of the storyline, it was nothing like I expected.  It's a story about dinosaurs with a decidedly western feel.  I don't want to spoil anything, so I'll just say that I got a big kick how they depicted the dinosaurs and the humans.  The story of Arlo and his journey tugged at a lot of emotions for me.  It was funny, sad, tragic, heroic. I seemed to be right there with Arlo as he learned so much about life, and about himself.  Even my son was enthralled.  We had an amazing chat on the way home about the things that Arlo learned.

I highly recommend The Good Dinosaur!  If you get the chance go see it in 3D, go for it!  Wow!  I'm definitely taking the rest of the family to see this movie!  Thanks Disney, it was truly magical!

Disclosure:  I was given the opportunity to see this movie for the purpose of a review.  The opinions are all mine and free of charge!