Saturday, February 22, 2014
That's why when I was approached about reviewing a new sleep aid, well I was all over that!
Let me introduce you to Glysonna! Glysonna is a drug-free sleep aid, fortified with Glysine. It has added wellness nutrients which helps you to reach restorative sleep by:
a) Triggering relaxation
b) Sustaining sleep
c) Initiating the natural sleep process
Glysonna does not contain potentially harmful ingredients such as antihistamines, alcohol, tryptophan and 5HTP. It is an all-natural sleep aid. I really like this!
I've used other sleep aids and I often woke up feeling groggy, almost drugged. That's not how you should feel when you wake up! I didn't feel that way with Glysonna.
When I first tried it I was a little nervous. I didn't want that groggy feeling. I took my 1 ounce dose. How does it taste, well... not good, not bad. A little sweet... I climbed into bed, snuggled in, and was very soon sound asleep. I slept all through the night and woke up feeling wonderfully well-rested. Ah, bliss!
I've tried it several times since and I have the same results. I sleep well, I sleep deep, and wake up feeling great. On my second time trying Glysonna, one of my kids got sick in the middle of the night. I woke up quickly and clear-headed, and was able to help my child. That's really important!
I'm a fan of Glysonna! It definitely worked for me! You can purchase it at . Check them out on Facebook and Twitter.
Now, some fun news! One of you lucky readers can win a bottle of Glysonna! Woot! Just enter using the rafflecopter form below. Good luck!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Disclosure: I received this product for the purpose of a review. The opinions are all my own and free of charge!

love to try tis>
I take Melatonin but I still wake up during the night Rosanne
I turn on my Kindle and read on sleepless nights...
I usually turn on the tv until I fall asleep.
I've taken an over the counter sleep aid on the past
Well, currently trazodone with occasional assistance from melatonin, valerian, diphenhydramine and who knows what else!
ky2here at msn dot com
I craft and enter sweepstakes :-0
I usually make a cup of tea with some honey and watch old movies on tv.
Laurie Emerson
lauraemerson17 at yahoo dot com
I usually watch tv until I fall asleep
I usually drink a cup of chamomile tea :)
I drink Chamomile tea and read a book to deal with sleepiness nights.
I usually take a valerian herbal capsule which helps me fall asleep. Would love to try this new product!
I occasionally take Melatonin!
i usually have some sleepy time tea before going to bed.