Tuesday, September 14, 2010
I always try to see the need and be the one to fill it. If a friend needs a shoulder to cry on, I'm honored it's mine. If someone needs a meal brought in, I'm happy to do it. Need a ride somewhere, hop in and I'll take you. I truly enjoy these moments of service. It changes the whole outlook on my day!
But here's the funny thing about helping your fellow men. In the end, it's not them that you've helped... it's yourself. Your own problems are put in perspective, your own burden seems lighter, people are always there when you yourself need the help. You are a better person by spending time with these wonderful people who pass through your life.
At my dad's funeral person after person stopped and shared with me something Dad had done to help them through their life. A kind word, fixing a car, a listening ear, the sweet stories touched my heart. So here's that funny thing again, in the little acts of service that my Dad did through his life, those same people served me in my time of need. They lifted my burden, and lightened my heavy heart. And here's that funny thing again... as people were comforting my mother, in fact, my mother was comforting them. Her arms were constantly hugging and her soft words were constantly comforting... on the day she buried her husband her heart turned outward instead of inward.
I'm always amazed how it works like that. In giving, so much comes back. Thank you to all my dear friends, neighbors, and even strangers, who have made my life so much better, so much richer, by being a part of it. I am in your debt.... let me know what I can do to help.....
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