Monday, July 7, 2014
The one I picked is great! When the package came, I called my son in to open it up. You can't believe how excited he was! "Mom, that is so cool!" "Are those real handcuffs?" "How can I possibly wait till Halloween?" "It has a hat AND a badge?" Can I go arrest my sister?" are just a few of the things that came tumbling out of him. And no, I didn't make him wait until Halloween. Ü
The police costume consisted of a police shirt with great official-looking patches on either sleeve, a hat, a badge, black belt, handcuffs, and a baton. He looks pretty handsome if I say so myself!
I was impressed with how quickly our costume came. gave me great customer service and I had a fun time searching through all the costumes!
So, it being summer and all, I decided to enlighten my children's cartoon-soaked minds. We did some research on police. Did you know that the New York Sheriff's Office was founded in 1626? I had no idea. My daughter wants to be a forensic scientist or a crime scene investigator, so she actually found some interesting info also.
So, all in all, the costume was a huge hit! We got to have a teaching moment, he loves wearing the costume, and he has a great time enforcing the "law" around our home. Right this minute he is in trying to arrest his sister for not sharing her Nintendo DS. I better go intervene before she has HIM arrested for trespassing!
Disclosure: I received this costume for the purpose of a review. The opinions are all mine and free of charge!

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