Thursday, January 13, 2011

New Year, New You! Hint Review

2011... can you believe it's 2011?  Where did 2010 go?  I started some healthy changes in 2010 and I'm still going in 2011.  One of the goals was to exercise more and eat healther.  I lost 80 pounds in 2010, but gained 20 lbs. back when my Dad died, and my daughter got so ill.  Now it's 2011 and I'm back to my healthy eating and exercising.  I have been trying to keep hydrated and drink more water, but after awhile I get a little tired of water.  Enter.... Hint!  Hint is premium water with just a hint of flavor.  Let me say, I love this stuff!

I have not been a fan of flavored water in the past so I had some trepidation when trying Hint.  Again, let me state, I love this stuff!  The flavors are delicious and just the right balance between the flavor and the water.  This will probably sound crazy, but I felt like I was doing a big favor for my body by drinking Hint.  I loved that it has no calories, no sweeteners, no preservatives, and still tastes great! 

Hint comes in 10 delicious flavors like Raspberry-Lime (my personal favorite) Pomegranate-Tangerine (another favorite) Watermelon, Honeydew Hibiscus, Blackberry, Mango-Grapefruit (very yummy) Lime, Pear, Cucumber and Strawberry-Kiwi.  I'm telling you, this is good stuff!

You can find out more about Hint at It is available at over 10,000 retailers but if you can't find it near you, has it, or you can order it directly from Hint.

Hint will now be a staple in my fridge.  That's if I can keep my kids from drinking all of it.  Though, I don't feel too bad when they do, cuz it's healthy for them and so much better than pop.  Thumbs up, Hint!

Disclosure:  The product was offered to me for the purpose of a review.  The opinions are all my own and free of charge!

3 Responses to "New Year, New You! Hint Review"

Alicia Says :
January 14, 2011 at 2:21 PM

lol I was already on here once to follow you but I got interrupted, and then I just got your comment on mine :-) Returning the love! I'm looking into getting started with some reviews and giveaways on my own blog. I'd love any advice you might have on starting something like that since you look like a pretty seasoned pro at it already!

Clayton Thomas Says :
January 18, 2011 at 5:57 PM

Good luck with your weight loss goals. I am your 200th follower. Congrats!!!

All the best,


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